Mayfly Dun Genus Identification
Although more in-depth study is needed to identify the duns species. A fairly accurate -educated guess- of the duns genus can be made by following these general identification keys.

Size in millimeters 8 to 12.
Solid wings.
Two tails.
Heart shaped mark on femur.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 5 to 7.
Solid wings.
Three tails.
Dwarfed hind wing.
Size in millimeters 5 to 12 mm
Solid wings.
Three tails.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 6 to 8 mm
Solid wings.
Three tails.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 8 to 10 mm.
Solid wings.
Three tails.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 3 to 4 mm
Solid wings.
Three tails.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 5 to 6.
Solid wings.
Three equal length tails.
Long slender abdomen.
No evident costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 10 to 14.
Solid wings, with apparent veining.
Three tails, middle tail shorter than the two outer tails.
Longish abdomen.
No evident costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 3 to 4.
Solid wings.
Two tails.
No hind wing.
Size in millimeters 10 to 30.
Spotted wings with dark crossveins.
Three tails.
Long abdomen.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Stenonema / Stenacron
Size in millimeters 8 to 16.
Wings display dark crossveins.
Two tails.
Femur has a dark band.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Male dun has large black eyes that turn iridescent green to blueish green when exposed to light.
Size in millimeters 13 to 16.
Solid blotchy wings, with apparent veining.
Two tails.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Dark forelegs, cream colored middle, and hind legs.
Some display a white colored tarsus on their forelegs.
Size in millimeters 13 to 16.
Forewings, and hind wings display dark crossveins.
Three tails, middle tail shorter than the two outer tails.
Longish abdomen.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 3 to 4.
Solid wings.
Three tails.
No hind wing.
Males are black, females have black thorax with green or olive abdomen.
Size in millimeters 12 to 14.
Solid white wings, with apparent veining. Grayish purpleish color along the front of the forewing.
Female has three tails.
Male has two tails.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 5 to 6.
Wings display dark crossveins.
Two tails.
Lacks dark band on it's femur.
Costal projection on hind wing.
Size in millimeters 16 to 35.
Wings have apparent veining, with dark crossveins. Pale yellowish color along the front of the forewing.
Three tails, very short middle tail.
Costal projection on hind wing.